Wright Center K Awards Seminar Series

Wright Center K Awards Seminar Series

Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research provides professional development support to early career researchers.  Career Development (K) Awards  allow researchers to build mentored careers and conduct their research while working towards independence and becoming competitive for major grant support.  The National Institute of Health (NIH) awards Career Development grants (K awards) to physician-scientists, clinicians, and research scientists seeking professional independence and career development. This funding mechanism  develops the foundation for a productive scientific climate in the fields of biomedical, clinical and behavioral science. Beyond research training, educational programs, and innovative studies,  K awards also provide a career trajectory to the biomedical scientist.  The goal of the K award Series program is to increase the number of application by and career development awards awarded to VCU junior faculty.The educational program objectives for junior faculty who attend the K Award series is to learn tips and tricks in order to:

  • submit a well-packaged and targeted career development award; aligned to their research interests and career level.
  • draft a competitive K award and requisite documents with confidence
  • construct competitive candidate/career plans interconnected with mentoring, training, and research
  • understand how to differentiate specific aims and research strategy for K awards
  • understand how to maximize the award and leverage it for independence if they become successful grantees

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4 Members
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