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240802 - 220805 - M2 - 10AM - CARD - Cardiac Autonomics: Chronotropy, Dromotropy, Inotropy, Lusitropy - Raucci

Draft Entry for Cattura Upload

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From  somvideo School of Medicine 287 plays 0  

200821-M2-11am-CARD-Antiarrhythmic Review-Kalahasty

+20 More
From  somvideo School of Medicine 74 plays 0  

Standard Classroom Podium Demo (2019)

This video provides a brief overview of how to use our Standard Classroom Podium AV system.

From  Jared Parker 93 plays 0  

Kaltura Demo recording in Sanger 2020

We tried out the recording features of Kaltura in a classroom with two cameras, wireless mics, and a presentation on the PC.

+2 More
From  Jonathan Blake 29 plays 0