46:04duration 46 minutes 4 seconds
First-time Comic Creator Workshop
Zoom Recording ID: 89864597789 UUID:…
38:18duration 38 minutes 18 seconds
WRLD 210 Lecture #1 Themes and topics for…
WRLD 210 Lecture #1 Themes and topics for International Social Justice
This is an introductory lecture to the course…
12:44duration 12 minutes 44 seconds
Embed a video in a T4 plugin
This is a method for embedding a video in your T4…
39:55duration 39 minutes 55 seconds
Latinos in the USA
Talk on the Growing presence of Latinos in the US…
35:20duration 35 minutes 20 seconds
Immigration After 9/11
Foe HIST 391 Class
01:05:45duration 1 hour 5 minutes
WRLD 210 Lecture #2 Borders Brown Walzer
This covers the readings by Wendy Brown and…