Search for tag: "capital"


From  somvideo School of Medicine 1 plays 0  

PHAR 621 Pharmacoeconomics

Zoom Recording ID: 88439733665 UUID: DDuBLYftQcCdGZeu5AWF7w== Meeting Time: 2024-01-25 02:45:47pmGMT

From  VCU PHARCAPTURE 67 plays 0  

Create, Grow, Scale: Black & Hispanic Entrepreneurship Convening | Closing Remarks

Create, Grow, Scale: Black & Hispanic Entrepreneurship Convening is a regionally-targeted convening that brings together individuals and organizations with a vested interest in advancing the…

From  Sianna Westley 0 plays 0  

Create, Grow, Scale: Black & Hispanic Entrepreneurship Convening | Richmond Entrepreneurs: A Deeper Look

Attendees will hear from Richmond area business owners about their experience and insight. Speakers:Sandi Cano Cauley, Founder and Owner, Scott Hill Creative and Turn Cardio Jam Studio Rasheeda…

From  Sianna Westley 5 plays 0  

Create, Grow, Scale: Black & Hispanic Entrepreneurship Convening | Keynote

Create, Grow, Scale: Black & Hispanic Entrepreneurship Convening is a regionally-targeted convening that brings together individuals and organizations with a vested interest in advancing the…

From  Sianna Westley 0 plays 0  

Create, Grow, Scale: Black & Hispanic Entrepreneurship Convening | Fire Side Chat

A conversation on how the business ecosystem can support entrepreneurs on the road to wealth creation. Speakers:David Rabkin, Executive Vice President, Head of Business Card & Payments, Capital…

From  Sianna Westley 0 plays 0  

Board of Visitors Administration Committee Pt. 2

Board of Visitors Administration Committee Pt. 2 March 24th, 2023

From  Taron James 6 plays 0  

Board of Visitors Administration Committee Meeting Pt. 1

Board of Visitors Administration Committee Meeting Pt. 1 March 24, 2023

From  Taron James 4 plays 0  

Bench to Community Seminar - Series 2, Seminar 7: Developing a Pitch Deck

Raising outside investments and funds for your company often entails making a short but very important overview presentation to potential funders. Attendees will learn the fundamental information to…

From  Laura Osborne 3 plays 0  

Bench to Community Seminar - Series 2, Session 4: Building Your Startup Team

Building a successful company requires expanding expertise beyond scientific research experience. Typical additional resources are required to address market analysis, accounting/finance, design for…

From  Laura Osborne 4 plays 0  

Bench to Community Seminar - Series 2, Session 3: Investors & Fundraising: Early-stage Non-grant Funding and Processes

Attendees will learn about locating and speaking with non-grant funding sources for investments in early-stage companies, including friends/family connections, angel individuals and networks,…

From  Laura Osborne 5 plays 0  

Bench to Community Seminar - Series 2, Session 2: Small Business Innovation Research Funding for Startups

Robert Brooke will provide an overview of the federally funded Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) funding program. More than $4B is awarded annually to small businesses in the US via…

From  Laura Osborne 8 plays 0