Search for tag: "central va socra chapter"

Central VA SOCRA Chapter: Hot Topics from the 2020 SOCRA Conference - Part II

In this Central VA SOCRA Chapter Meeting, recorded December 9, 2020, Brooke Whitaker, CCRP; Patti Feldt, CCRP; and Shirley Helm, MS, CCRP presented different topics from the SOCRA annual conference…

From  VCU CCTRSOCRA 53 plays

Central VA SOCRA Chapter: Hot Topics from the 2020 SOCRA Conference – Part I

In this Central VA SOCRA Chapter Meeting, recorded October 21, 2020, Alanda Perry Jones, CCRP, Juliette Highland, Antoinette Wade, and Art Carpenter, CCRP present different topics from the SOCRA…

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From  VCU CCTRSOCRA 38 plays

Central VA SOCRA Chapter: Overview of Stem Cell Transplantation and CAR-T Therapies

This Central VA SOCRA Chapter Meeting, recorded September 16, 2020. Kathy Candler, Clinical Research Coordinator II, provided an overview of stem cell transplants and CAR-T therapies involving…

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From  VCU CCTRTWDP 24 plays