Search for tag: "communities"

Winn CDA Cohort 3 Scholar Forum #33 (9/5/24)

The Robert A. Winn Diversity in Clinical Trials…

From  Caitlin Wall 17 plays 0  

Winn CDA Cohort 3 Scholar Forum #32 (8/29/24)

The Robert A. Winn Diversity in Clinical Trials…

From  Caitlin Wall 15 plays 0  

Winn CDA Cohort 3 Scholar Forum #30 (8/15/24)

The Robert A. Winn Diversity in Clinical Trials…

From  Caitlin Wall 22 plays 0  

Winn CDA Cohort 2 Scholar Forum #16 (07/31/24)

The Robert A. Winn Diversity in Clinical Trials…

From  Rosa Roncales 11 plays 0  

Winn CDA Cohort 3 Scholar Forum #24 (5/30/24)

The Robert A. Winn Diversity in Clinical Trials…

From  Caitlin Wall 16 plays 0  

Winn CDA Cohort 3 Scholar Forum #23 (5/23/24)

The Robert A. Winn Diversity in Clinical Trials…

From  Nicholette Espinosa 15 plays 0  

Winn CDA Cohort 2 Scholar Forum #21 (11/8/23)

The Robert A. Winn Diversity in Clinical Trials…

From  Catherine Ashe 23 plays 0  

Winn CDA Cohort 2 Scholar Forum #20 (10/25/23)

Winn CDA Cohort 2 Scholar Forum #1…

From  Catherine Ashe 17 plays 0  

Winn CDA Cohort 2 Scholar Forum #18 (9/13/23)

The Robert A. Winn Diversity in Clinical Trials…

From  Catherine Ashe 21 plays 0  

Winn CDA Cohort 2 Scholar Forum #17 (8/16/23)

The Robert A. Winn Diversity in Clinical Trials…

From  Catherine Ashe 16 plays 0  

Winn CIPP PWLD 2 - 7.7.23

+28 More
From  Allison McLarin 10 plays 0  

Winn CDA Cohort 2 Scholar Forum #14 Group 2 (7/5/23)

The Robert A. Winn Diversity in Clinical Trials…

From  Catherine Ashe 7 plays 0  

Create, Grow, Scale: Black & Hispanic Entrepreneurship Convening | Fire Side Chat

A conversation on how the business ecosystem can…

From  Sianna Westley 0 plays 0  

Create, Grow, Scale: Black & Hispanic Entrepreneurship Convening | Strengthening the Links Between Business Ownership and Minority Wealth Building

Brief presentation of new research by Capital One…

From  Sianna Westley 2 plays 0  

A Talk with Dr. Robert Winn, Director of VCU Massey Cancer Center

The HR Career Community along with the Health…

From  Rodney Steppe 32 plays 0  

Winn CIPP 2023 NYC CWLD 1 - 6.9.23

+22 More
From  Aria Albritton 13 plays 0