Search for tag: "court"
Constitution Day 2023 videoU.S. Constitution Day 2023: Treason, Sedition and Subversive Activities. During the 2023 VCU Libraries’ annual Constitution Day commemoration, Political Science Associate Professor John…
From Nia Rodgers
65 plays
WRLD210_Lecture #12_activismIntro_Arendt_GandhiThis lecture is on the Arendt reading "Civil Disobedience" and the readings by Gandhi. This is part of the lecture--the rest of the lecture is a web-based podcast that is linked and…
From Aspen Brinton
70 plays
WRLD210_Lecture #7_genocideInternational Social Justice lecture on genocide To accompany the film "Vita Activa" about Hannah Arendt and the Eichmann trial and Jean Hatzfield's "Machete Season."
From Aspen Brinton
95 plays