36:01duration 36 minutes 1 second
DEI Staff Distinction
03:38duration 3 minutes 38 seconds
Carol - Did report, talked to a manager
Dr. Evans' Administrative Assistant, Carol, relates why she decided to speak up about Dr. Evans' behavior, and what happened when she told the Dean about it.
01:04:59duration 1 hour 4 minutes
231016 - M1 - 3PM - Summer Research Opportunities
01:06:32duration 1 hour 6 minutes
230731 - M2 - 12pm - Meet the Dean + Wellness…
230731 - M2 - 12pm - Meet the Dean + Wellness Presentation - Saavedra + Skinner
53:35duration 53 minutes 35 seconds
230731 - M1 - 11am - PCM - The Basic Exam - Wong
48:03duration 48 minutes 3 seconds
PACME Awards Ceremony 2021
Zoom Recording ID: 95005406391 UUID: nUpGBBgIQw2Uce0COHdiLw== Meeting Time: 2021-04-27T18:17:10Z
00:45duration 45 seconds
Housing Fair Welcome - March 31, 2021