Search for tag: "depolarization"

Pozen ECG Overview Basic

From  Jonah Pozen 6 plays 0  

ECG Overview Basic

By Dr. Pozen

From  Adam Garber 149 plays 0  

230922 - 12PM - M1 - PHYS - Q&A

Draft Entry for Cattura Upload

From  somvideo School of Medicine 7 plays 0  

230921 - M1 - 11AM - PHYS - Electrical Excitability Chemical Neurotransmission: Problem Solving - Ramsey

Draft Entry for Cattura Upload

From  somvideo School of Medicine 12 plays 0  

230920 - M1 - 11am - PHYS - Electrical Excitability in Chemical Neurotransmission 2 - Ramsey

Draft Entry for Cattura Upload

From  somvideo School of Medicine 107 plays 0  

230918 - 12PM - M1 - PHYS - Q&A

Draft Entry for Cattura Upload

From  somvideo School of Medicine 18 plays 0  

230918 - 9AM - M1 - PHYS - Electrical Excitability in Chemical Neurotransmission 1 - Ramsey

Draft Entry for Cattura Upload

From  somvideo School of Medicine 112 plays 0  

230915 - 9AM - M1 - PHYS - Action Potentials Propagation - Ramsey

Draft Entry for Cattura Upload

From  somvideo School of Medicine 71 plays 0  

230914 - M1 - 10am - PHYS - Resting Membrane Potential and Action Potential Initiation - Ramsey

Draft Entry for Cattura Upload

From  somvideo School of Medicine 94 plays 0  

200922-M1-11am-PHYS-Q & A: Transport, AP, Skeletal Muscle and Histology - Bigbee and Samso

From  somvideo School of Medicine 26 plays 0  

200921 - M1 - 9am - PHYS - Electrical Excitability in Chemical Neurotransmission 1 - Baumgarten

From  somvideo School of Medicine 103 plays 0  

200917 - M1 - 10am - PHYS - Action Potentials in Nerve 1: Excitation - Baumgarten

From  somvideo School of Medicine 135 plays 0