37:10duration 37 minutes 10 seconds
Pozen ECG Overview Basic
ECG Overview Basic
By Dr. Pozen
48:37duration 48 minutes 37 seconds
200922-M1-11am-PHYS-Q & A: Transport, AP,…
200922-M1-11am-PHYS-Q & A: Transport, AP, Skeletal Muscle and Histology - Bigbee and Samso
46:47duration 46 minutes 47 seconds
200921 - M1 - 9am - PHYS - Electrical…
200921 - M1 - 9am - PHYS - Electrical Excitability in Chemical Neurotransmission 1 - Baumgarten
57:01duration 57 minutes 1 second
200917 - M1 - 10am - PHYS - Action Potentials in…
200917 - M1 - 10am - PHYS - Action Potentials in Nerve 1: Excitation - Baumgarten