50:17duration 50 minutes 17 seconds
240328 - 11AM - M1 - GI - Physiology: Digestion…
240328 - 11AM - M1 - GI - Physiology: Digestion and Absorption
Draft Entry for Cattura Upload
01:00:55duration 1 hour 0 minutes
240328 - 9AM - M1 - GI - Pancreatitis/Pancreas as…
240328 - 9AM - M1 - GI - Pancreatitis/Pancreas as Masses
49:59duration 49 minutes 59 seconds
240326 - 11AM - M1 - GI - Physiology: Intestinal…
240326 - 11AM - M1 - GI - Physiology: Intestinal Motility and Secretion
08:00:58duration 8 hours 0 minutes
240320 - 11AM - M1 - GI - Gastric Physiology
57:32duration 57 minutes 32 seconds
240319 - 11AM - M1 - GI Oral and Esophageal…
240319 - 11AM - M1 - GI Oral and Esophageal Physiology - Anderson