Search for tag: "drop"

Managing M4 Schedules Graduation Requirements

From  Chuck Alexander 213 plays 0  

240213 - 8AM - M1 - ORTHO - Spine - Placide

From  somvideo School of Medicine 140 plays 0  

Grad Student Policies & Responsibilities

Overview of common policies and responsibilities of graduate students

From  Lisa Anderson 19 plays 0  

DSA IT ticket submission example

This video shows the step-by-step process for submitting a help request ticket to the Division of Student Affairs IT team.

From  Joslyn Bedell 10 plays 0  

Add a new page/section to your site

'Page' and 'section' are synonymous terms in T4. This video shows you how to add a new page to your site and also how to reorder pages.

From  Jennifer Elswick 4 plays 0