Search for tag: "infant"

250115 - M2 8AM - BHS - The Newborn and Introduction to Development

From  somvideo School of Medicine 95 plays 0  

Infection Prevention and Control Strategies in Neonatal Settings

Course Overview The Virginia Infection Prevention…

From  Jo Dee Armstrong-Novak 33 plays 0  

Infection Prevention & Control Strategies in Pediatric Settings

Course Overview The Virginia Infection…

From  Jo Dee Armstrong-Novak 32 plays

Maternal Morbidity and Mortality - May 11 , 2022

This Health Equites took place on Tuesday, May…

+12 More
From  VCU CCTRHlthDis 38 plays

Discovery Dialogues-Understanding why mothers and their babies miss prenatal and well-child visits

+22 More
From  Lillie Lattimore 4 plays 0  

Module 2: Why is the precordial stethoscope important to the pediatric CRNA?

+26 More
From  Jodi Carlsen 238 plays 0  

Module 4: Putting it all together, this IS why it's important to me !

+32 More
From  Jodi Carlsen 22 plays 0  

Module 3: Precordial chest piece - Size and Location

+26 More
From  Jodi Carlsen 174 plays 0