Search for tag: "nations"
WRLD210_Lecture #7_genocideInternational Social Justice lecture on genocide To accompany the film "Vita Activa" about Hannah Arendt and the Eichmann trial and Jean Hatzfield's "Machete Season."
From Aspen Brinton
95 plays
WRLD210_Lecture #6_tortureLecture for WRLD 210 International Social Justice on torture and Jean Amery's At the Minds Limits
From Aspen Brinton
71 plays
WRLD210 Lecture #3 Kant, Niebuhr, WarInternational Social Justice: the problem of war Lecture on Kant's "Perpetual Peace" and Niebuhr's "Moral Man and Immoral Society"
From Aspen Brinton
135 plays
WRLD 210 Lecture #2 Borders Brown WalzerThis covers the readings by Wendy Brown and Michael Walzer on borders and border walls. There are several links that go along with this lecture. Here are the links: "Sir MapsALot"…
From Aspen Brinton
164 plays