Search for tag: "officer"
Responding To Research Grant Critiques With Dr. Gretchen NeighThis Grant Writing Series took place May 24, 2023. Dr. Gretchen Neigh, Associate Professor School of Anatomy and Neurobiology, explained how to read and research grant critiques in order to create…
18 plays
Navigating the National Institute of Health (NIH) Research Grant ProcessThis Grant Writing Series took place March 30, 2023. Dr. Gerry Moeller, MD and Associate Vice President For Clinical Research. Dr. Moeller discussed and explained how to successfully navigate the…
13 plays
Navigating the National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant ProcessThis Grant Writing Series took place March 22, 2023. Dr. Chris Lemmon, PHD an Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Virginia Commonwealth University. Dr. Lemmon discussed and explained how…
From Pamela Dillon
110 plays
Grant Writing - Positioning Yourself To Compete For External Research FundingThis Grant Writing Series took place on January 10, 2023. Dr. Patricia Kinser Assistant Dean for Research and Endowed Professor, Department of Family and Community Health Nursing - School of Nursing,…
From Pamela Dillon
17 plays
Navigating the NSF Grant ProcessThis Grant Writing Series took place on March 23, 2022. Chris Lemmon PhD presented on how you navigated the NSF Grant Process. If you would like to find out about this presentation or future…
From Lillie Lattimore
27 plays
Positioning Yourself to Compete for External FundingThis Grant Writing Series was recorded January 27, 2022. Dr. Patricia Kinser PhD presents strategies for positioning oneself to successfully compete for external funding. If you would like to find…
From Lillie Lattimore
20 plays