01:17:10duration 1 hour 17 minutes
240515 - 11AM - M1 - REP - Infertility - Lucidi
Draft Entry for Cattura Upload
01:53:49duration 1 hour 53 minutes
240514 - 1PM - M1 - REP - Review: Planned Hosted…
240514 - 1PM - M1 - REP - Review: Planned Hosted Self-assessment Questions
02:14:43duration 2 hours 14 minutes
240514 - 8AM - M1 - REP -…
240514 - 8AM - M1 - REP - Contraception/Sterilization
55:12duration 55 minutes 12 seconds
240507 - 9AM - M1 - REP - Female Reproductive…
240507 - 9AM - M1 - REP - Female Reproductive Physiology - Milton
56:52duration 56 minutes 52 seconds
35:17duration 35 minutes 17 seconds
210504-M1-8am-REPR-Histology of the Ovary-Colello
57:08duration 57 minutes 8 seconds
210504-M1-9am-REPR-Female Reproductive…
210504-M1-9am-REPR-Female Reproductive Physiology- Milton
48:09duration 48 minutes 9 seconds
210504-M1-8am-REPR-Histology of the Ovary-Bigbee