Search for tag: "processing"

231115 - M2 - 9am - NRS - Cerebral Cortex & Higher Cortical Processing - McGinn Greer

Draft Entry for Cattura Upload

+20 More
From  somvideo School of Medicine 59 plays 0  

230818 - 10AM - M1 - MBHD - Translation - Kordula

Draft Entry for Cattura Upload

+23 More
From  somvideo School of Medicine 131 plays 0  

Module 1: Implicit Bias

+20 More
From  Melanie Felix 103 plays 0  

The New Immigrants Part 1

European Immigration 1880-1920

+22 More
From  Daniel Morales 29 plays 0  

COVID-19 Testing Process

Source: Discusses the process of COVID-19 Testing

+20 More
From  Elise LeVan 12 plays 0  


From  Amy Olex 3 plays 0  

Introduction to Clinical NLP (Nov 9, 2018)

The first of 2 back-to-back seminars providing an introduction to Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning with application to clinical text and data. In this lecture Computer Science PhD…

From  Amy Olex 31 plays 0