47:51duration 47 minutes 51 seconds
240116 - M2 - 11am - Reproductive Psychiatry -…
240116 - M2 - 11am - Reproductive Psychiatry - Shah
53:46duration 53 minutes 46 seconds
240108- M2 - 10am - BHS - Anxiety,…
240108- M2 - 10am - BHS - Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders - Shah
Draft Entry for Cattura Upload
01:11:20duration 1 hour 11 minutes
201216-M2-11am-MBB-Behavioral Disorder Review-Shah
51:34duration 51 minutes 34 seconds
201202 - M2 - 9am - MBB - The Psychotherapies -…
201202 - M2 - 9am - MBB - The Psychotherapies - Keyser-Marcus