01:09:43duration 1 hour 9 minutes
231110 - 11AM - M1 - I & I - Transplant -…
231110 - 11AM - M1 - I & I - Transplant - Graded and Flipped - LEE
Draft Entry for Cattura Upload
53:29duration 53 minutes 29 seconds
231109 - 11AM - M1 - I & I -…
231109 - 11AM - M1 - I & I - Immunopharmacology: Solid Organ Transplantation - Yakubu
59:44duration 59 minutes 44 seconds
231020 - M2 - 9am - RENL - Transplant - Kumar
01:04:05duration 1 hour 4 minutes
Bench to Community Seminar - Series 1, Session 3:…
Bench to Community Seminar - Series 1, Session 3: Invention Disclosures, Patent Process, and Licensing
This 3rd course in our series, attendees will understand the importance of securing intellectual property (IP) rights to support the translation of medical devices to the market. Session topics will…
59:56duration 59 minutes 56 seconds
201012-M2-9am-RENL-Kidney Transplantation-Kumar