01:19:47duration 1 hour 19 minutes
240228 - 8AM - M1 - MOVE - Anatomy Lecture:…
240228 - 8AM - M1 - MOVE - Anatomy Lecture: Thoracic Wall and Heart
Draft Entry for Cattura Upload
54:10duration 54 minutes 10 seconds
240126 - 8AM - M1 - MOVE - Anatomy Lab: Pectoral…
240126 - 8AM - M1 - MOVE - Anatomy Lab: Pectoral Region, Anterior Thoracic Wall and Abdominal Wall - Harrell
01:54:36duration 1 hour 54 minutes
230911 - M2 - 10am - PULM - Chest Radiology…
230911 - M2 - 10am - PULM - Chest Radiology Frontal and Lateral View - Parker ZOOM capture
55:56duration 55 minutes 56 seconds
230911 - M2 - 10am - PULM - Chest Radiology Frontal and Lateral View