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PHAR 621 Pharmacoeconomics

Zoom Recording ID: 88439733665 UUID: azjkNVo+TvCs7trqTzEKeQ== Meeting Time: 2024-03-21 01:45:52pmGMT

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From  VCU PHARCAPTURE 78 plays 0  

240219 - 10AM - M1 - MOVE - General Dermatology - Dany

Draft Entry for Cattura Upload

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From  somvideo School of Medicine 109 plays 0  

240116 - M2 - 9am - Treatment of Substance Use Disorder I: Psychopharmacological Interventions - Arias

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From  somvideo School of Medicine 90 plays 0  

240104 - M2 - 10am - BHS - Psychological Assessment - Hayes

Draft Entry for Cattura Upload

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From  somvideo School of Medicine 97 plays 0  

Design (Part 2 of 3 in the Research Communications series)

Zoom Recording ID: 88580258872 UUID: faP1tHddSGOn3TlFroGeXw== Meeting Time: 2023-09-27 03:52:10pmGMT

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From  VCU WORKSHOP 2 plays 0  

Whetting Your Appetite For Research Lunch Research Series - Survey Design for Research

This Whetting Your Appetite For Research presentation took place May 17, 2023. Deborah DiazGranados PHD discussed Survey Design for research. If you would like to find out more about past…

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From  VCU CCTREDU 15 plays

SPSS introduction

For those of you who took 706 with me, this might not be necessary. This is a brief overview of some of the basics of SPSS, like inputting a variable.

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From  Sandy Guiulfo 9 plays 0  


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From  Oscar Keyes 0 plays 0  

220401 - PHAR 621 Pharmacoeconomics

+23 More
From  VCU PHARCAPTURE 48 plays 0  

220211 - PHAR 621 Pharmacoeconomics

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From  VCU PHARCAPTURE 56 plays 0  

TRIPN 8/2021: Bob Dworkin, PhD

A difference is a difference only if it makes a difference: determining meaningful benefits and risks in pain treatmentAugust 26, 2021 TRIPN Research Meeting Robert H. Dworkin, PhDProfessor of…

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From  Teri Dulong-Rae 11 plays 0  

Palliative ECHO: Symptom Management for Covid-19 (Apr. 2020)

Palliative ECHO: Symptom Management for Covid19 | April 14, 2020 Presented by Danielle Noreika, MD, FACP, FAAHPM Medical Director for Inpatient Palliative Care Services, VCUHealthHospice and…

+33 More
From  Teri Dulong-Rae 4 plays 0  

photoshop_04_advanced paint bucket with pattern

photoshop advanced paint bucket fill, patterns

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From  Jillian Chapin 20 plays 0  

HGEN 603 | 2019-10-23

SNP-based heritability (practical)

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From  Joey Noble 0 plays 0