01:57:14duration 1 hour 57 minutes
231129 - M2 - 8am - NRS - Disorders of…
231129 - M2 - 8am - NRS - Disorders of Muscle/Pathology of Muscle Disorders + Modulation of Movement by the Basal Ganglia - Dixit + Ottens
Draft Entry for Cattura Upload
01:18:01duration 1 hour 18 minutes
231127 - 8AM - M1 - FOD - Histology Introduction…
231127 - 8AM - M1 - FOD - Histology Introduction - Bigbee
59:57duration 59 minutes 57 seconds
231027 - 9AM - M1 - I&I - Micro Review -…
231027 - 9AM - M1 - I&I - Micro Review - Jefferson
57:54duration 57 minutes 54 seconds
231025 - 10AM - M1 - I & I - Case Studies:…
231025 - 10AM - M1 - I & I - Case Studies: Bacteriology- Graded
54:11duration 54 minutes 11 seconds
231016 - M1 - 10AM - I&I - Bacterial…
231016 - M1 - 10AM - I&I - Bacterial Structure and Physiology - Donnenberg
02:04:42duration 2 hours 4 minutes
230915 - M2 - 8am - PULM - TB and Fungal…
230915 - M2 - 8am - PULM - TB and Fungal Diseases - Pedram + Dalton
02:15:47duration 2 hours 15 minutes
201130 - M1 - 830am - FD - Cell Basics and…
201130 - M1 - 830am - FD - Cell Basics and Tissues & Basic Tissues - Bigbee