Search for tag: "visits"

240401 - M3 - 8 AM Telehealth

TTM3 Telehealth session from 4/1/24

From  Katelyn Williams 8 plays 0  

240322 - M3 - 8 AM Telehealth Part 1

TTM3 Telehealth session on 3/22/24

From  Katelyn Williams 12 plays 0  

VDH Proactive Infection Prevention & Control Assessments (September 2023)

Course OverviewLooking to strengthen your infection prevention & control program? Want to make your facility even safer? Learn about the Virginia Department of Health’s proactive infection…

From  Lily Warden 28 plays 0  

231011 - M2 - 10am - RENL - Hypertension - Patrick

Draft Entry for Cattura Upload

From  somvideo School of Medicine 71 plays 0  

230821 - 1PM - M1 - PPS - Doctor Patient relationship

Draft Entry for Cattura Upload

From  somvideo School of Medicine 4 plays 0  

20220513-Transistion Telehealth

From  Todd Sentz 2 plays 0  

20220512-Transitions Telehealth

From  Todd Sentz 5 plays 0  

20220511-Transistions Telehealth

From  Todd Sentz 18 plays 0  

20220509-Transitions Telehealth

From  Todd Sentz 6 plays 0  

Discovery Dialogues-Understanding why mothers and their babies miss prenatal and well-child visits

From  Lillie Lattimore 3 plays 0  

Palliative ECHO: Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease & covid update (Apr. 2020)

Palliative ECHO: Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease | April 27, 2020& Covid-19 update: palliative telemedicine Presented by Jerry McQuain, MPT, DO Eastern Virginia Medical School Hospice and Palliative…

From  Teri Dulong-Rae 32 plays 0  

Costs - Perspective_2

From  Julie Patterson 352 plays 0  

Costs - Part 1_2

From  Julie Patterson 372 plays 0