56:14duration 56 minutes 14 seconds
240214 - 9AM - M1 - MOVE - Ortho: Nerve Root…
240214 - 9AM - M1 - MOVE - Ortho: Nerve Root Cases - Carter
Draft Entry for Cattura Upload
01:49:03duration 1 hour 49 minutes
231213 - M2 - 8am - NRS - Exam Review Part 1 -…
231213 - M2 - 8am - NRS - Exam Review Part 1 - Dixit
01:32:36duration 1 hour 32 minutes
231208 - M2 - 1pm - NRS - Weekly MBB review -…
231208 - M2 - 1pm - NRS - Weekly MBB review - Dixit
01:27:13duration 1 hour 27 minutes
231201 - M2 - 1pm - NRS - Weekly MBB review -…
231201 - M2 - 1pm - NRS - Weekly MBB review - Dixit
01:57:14duration 1 hour 57 minutes
231129 - M2 - 8am - NRS - Disorders of…
231129 - M2 - 8am - NRS - Disorders of Muscle/Pathology of Muscle Disorders + Modulation of Movement by the Basal Ganglia - Dixit + Ottens
02:48:52duration 2 hours 48 minutes
231128 - M2 - 9am - NRS - Disorders and Pathology…
231128 - M2 - 9am - NRS - Disorders and Pathology of the PNS Disorders and Pathology of the Spinal Cord - Dixit + Chow
55:38duration 55 minutes 38 seconds
231128 - M2 - 8am - NRS - Disorders of the…
231128 - M2 - 8am - NRS - Disorders of the Neuromuscular Junction - Du
01:52:25duration 1 hour 52 minutes
231127 - M2 - 9am - NRS - Control of Movement by…
231127 - M2 - 9am - NRS - Control of Movement by LMNs and UMNs - McGinn Greer
56:47duration 56 minutes 47 seconds
231127 - M2 - 8am - NRS - Localization - Dixit
58:35duration 58 minutes 35 seconds
210211-M1-11am-MOVE-Ortho: Nerve Foot…
210211-M1-11am-MOVE-Ortho: Nerve Foot Disorders-Carter
51:59duration 51 minutes 59 seconds
201109-M2-11am-MBB-Tone Disorders and Cerebral…
201109-M2-11am-MBB-Tone Disorders and Cerebral Palsy-Harper
01:03:17duration 1 hour 3 minutes
201109-M2-10am-MBB-Disorders of Peripheral…
201109-M2-10am-MBB-Disorders of Peripheral Nervous System-Gwathmey