Search for tag: "weapons"

CHEM 110 4/17/24

Nuclear fission: chain reactions, critical mass, and World War II

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From  Katharine Tibbetts 2 plays 0  

WRLD210_Lecture #6_torture

Lecture for WRLD 210 International Social Justice on torture and Jean Amery's At the Minds Limits

+21 More
From  Aspen Brinton 71 plays 0  

WRLD210_Lecture #5_nuclear war

International Social Justice Lecture on Nuclear Dilemmas Readings covered include Gunther Anders, "Commandments in the Atomic Age," Miriam Cook, "Christian Apocalypticism and…

From  Aspen Brinton 92 plays 0  

WRLD210 Lecture #3 Kant, Niebuhr, War

International Social Justice: the problem of war Lecture on Kant's "Perpetual Peace" and Niebuhr's "Moral Man and Immoral Society"

+20 More
From  Aspen Brinton 132 plays 0