Leadership and Career Development Seminar Series

Leadership and Career Development Seminar Series

Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research provides professional development support to early career researchers.  It is critically important that postdoctoral fellows, junior faculty, and faculty new to their roles, receive formal training in preparing them for their roles as leaders/co-leaders of independent research laboratories and/or clinical research teams. Thus it is the collective responsibility of the institution, mentors, and faculty development programs to offer Ph.D. students, postdoctoral fellows, and junior faculty the opportunities to gain the competencies needed to excel as leaders. Qualitative assessments support the hypothesis that current fellows and junior faculty here at VCU would benefit from training in leadership and management within the context of their work.  Thus, the goal of the Leadership and Career Development Series is to increase the number of fellows and junior faculty with competencies in leadership and science management here at VCU.
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3 Media
4 Members
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