Search for tag: "collaborate"
AttendanceBlackboard Collaborate Ultra keeps a record of all participants that join or leave the session. You can print a report for attendance purposes if needed.
From Elaine Reeder
20 plays
Accessing Recorded SessionsHow do find the videos that have been recorded in Blackboard Collaborate Ultra
From Elaine Reeder
10 plays
CaptioningYou can designate a student or another participant in your Collaborate Ultra Session to provide captions. That person would type in real time what they hear to be displayed for those students who may…
From Elaine Reeder
8 plays
Breakout GroupsYou can setup small group sessions to offer more options for collaboration.
From Elaine Reeder
21 plays
Sharing FilesYou can upload files to your Collaborate Ultra session ahead of time so you are ready for your session before the students arrive
From Elaine Reeder
14 plays
Share an Application or WhiteboardYou can share the whilteboard for more live interactivity or you can share applications with files you are already created for the session.
From Elaine Reeder
17 plays
Recording Your Collaborate Ultra SessionYou can record your session so students have access to that at any time.
From Elaine Reeder
42 plays
Using the Chat FunctionYou can use the chat function to offer students the ability to ask questions or have a dialog with one another
From Elaine Reeder
7 plays
Notification SettingsControl how you are alterted to things happening in your session with Notification settings.
From Elaine Reeder
5 plays
Managing ParticipantsAccess the participants through the Collaborate panel. Change roles, remove a student from the session or mute all.
From Elaine Reeder
16 plays
Creating a Link to Bb Collaborate UltraHow to create a link to the Blackboard Collaborate Ultra experience. This can be used for synchronus online collaborative sessions.
From Elaine Reeder
17 plays