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Board of Visitors Committee and Full Board Meeting Pt. 1Committee Start Time (h:min:sec) Governance and Compensation: 0:00 Facilities Real Estate and Administration: 6:42 Finance and University Resources: 37:46 Full Board Meeting 1:53:37
From Taron James
25 plays
Board of Visitors MeetingZoom Recording ID: 94868656604 UUID: boLgy187Re2POqiuj8iXWg== Meeting Time: 2022-06-20 05:35:28pm
From Taron James
4 plays
Governance Committee MeetingZoom Recording ID: 94868656604 UUID: XBpIZ3UKSPqyFnTqAL0ovA== Meeting Time: 2022-04-13 01:46:08pm
From Taron James
1 plays
BOV Scholarship InterviewsZoom Recording ID: 94868656604 UUID: rXeCSx2AQLawVgEH/HqE0A== Meeting Time: 2022-03-14 07:17:14pm
From Taron James
3 plays
Office of Research S. Rao VCU Board of Visitors Meeting December 2021Zoom Recording ID: 94868656604 UUID: FSp0c6NbQGWvi8QIIUuT6w== Meeting Time: 2021-12-10 12:36:58pm
From Taron James
0 plays
VCU Board of Visitors MeetingZoom Recording ID: 94868656604 UUID: FSp0c6NbQGWvi8QIIUuT6w== Meeting Time: 2021-12-10 12:36:58pm
From Taron James
43 plays
May 2021 Fiscal Administrators Zoom MeetingZoom Recording ID: 92526273844 UUID: rZ6eHp+dTaWO2iuZ8i1GKg== Meeting Time: 2021-05-12T12:30:29Z
From Provost Fiscal Administration
3 plays
Governance and Compensation CommitteeZoom Recording ID: 94868656604 UUID: JP+8uqbtSEWR94IgHm8JNA== Meeting Time: 2021-05-07T12:35:06Z
From Taron James
6 plays
VCU Board of Visitors MeetingZoom Recording ID: 94868656604 UUID: n+KEZIn7Qy+4ju560z3DJw== Meeting Time: 2021-03-05T12:46:42Z
From Taron James
2 plays
VCU Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Clinical Research OverviewF. Gerard Moeller, M.D., director of the VCU C. Kenneth and Dianne Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research, announces the fall 2020 inaugural semester of VCU’s Certificate in…
From Catherine Brown
29 plays