01:59:20duration 1 hour 59 minutes
231130 - 10AM - M1 - FOD - Hemodynamic Disorders…
231130 - 10AM - M1 - FOD - Hemodynamic Disorders - Sanford
Draft Entry for Cattura Upload
45:25duration 45 minutes 25 seconds
231013 - M2 - 10am - RENL - Hypertensive Urgency…
231013 - M2 - 10am - RENL - Hypertensive Urgency and Emergency - Patrick
01:46:43duration 1 hour 46 minutes
231011 - M2 - 8am - RENL - Hyponatremia -…
231011 - M2 - 8am - RENL - Hyponatremia - DiGiovanni
02:04:03duration 2 hours 4 minutes
230921 - M2 - 10am - PULM - Respiratory Failure…
230921 - M2 - 10am - PULM - Respiratory Failure & Pulmonary Edema + Clinical Cases - Fowler + Pedram
The first 10 minutes of this lecture were not recorded. A complete recording of this lecture can be found at the link below: …
39:50duration 39 minutes 50 seconds
230919 - M2 - 9am - PULM - Clinical Cases - Pedram
33:20duration 33 minutes 20 seconds
Glomerulonephritis and Nephrotic Syndrome - May…
Glomerulonephritis and Nephrotic Syndrome - May 19th 2021, 2:42:28 pm
Pediatric Resident Didactics