Search for tag: "hydrogen"

CHEM 110 4/22/24

Nuclear fusion

+19 More
From  Katharine Tibbetts 0 plays 0  

CHEM 110 4/5/24

H2 economy, electrolysis

+18 More
From  Katharine Tibbetts 5 plays 0  

CHEM 110 3/11/24

Recap of unit 3, review of atom models, introduction to quantum mechanics

+19 More
From  Katharine Tibbetts 0 plays 0  

CHEM 110 2/16/24

Natural polymers

+19 More
From  Katharine Tibbetts 0 plays 0  

CHEM 110 2/14/24

Fermentation and elephant toothpaste

+18 More
From  Katharine Tibbetts 3 plays 0  

CHEM 110 2/12/24

Acids and bases, baking powder, and yeast

+19 More
From  Katharine Tibbetts 1 plays 0  

CHEM 110 2/2/24

Combustion chemistry; how different fuels compare in CO2 emissions

+19 More
From  Katharine Tibbetts 1 plays 0  

CHEM 110 1/29/24

Lewis structures, ionic and covalent compounds. Info about the quiz on unit 1.

+19 More
From  Katharine Tibbetts 0 plays 0  

CHEM 110 1/26/24

Periodic trends, valence electrons, and Lewis structures. With tips on using Möbius for homework at the beginning.

+19 More
From  Katharine Tibbetts 0 plays 0  

CHEM 110 1/24/24

Light, absorption, emission, how all of the elements were formed starting with the Big Bang

+19 More
From  Katharine Tibbetts 2 plays 0  


balancing metabolic redox reactions

+33 More
From  Joseph Battistelli 1,824 plays

210107-M2-11am-USMLE: Physiology Board Review Pt. 3-Costanzo

+20 More
From  somvideo School of Medicine 81 plays 0  

CHEM 313/314 10/20/20

Zoom Recording ID: 95812532685 UUID: WgcMjdjSQwWUxEu8bXPx5A== Meeting Time: 2020-10-20T21:29:19Z

+19 More
From  Katharine Tibbetts 9 plays 0  

200930-M2-11am-RENL-Physiology of Acid Base Disorders-Costanzo

+20 More
From  somvideo School of Medicine 118 plays 0