Attendees will learn about methods for organizing and managing the multiple components of the business development process. This differs from directing research-oriented projects. There are new…
Johnson and Johnson Innovation (JLabs) will present an overview of the newest life science and healthcare incubator in Washington, DC. The state-of-the-art site is open to entrepreneurs and…
Translating an innovation from the research stage into early-stage development for commercialization can be facilitated by using targeted consultant agencies for their area-specific expertise.…
Building a successful company requires expanding expertise beyond scientific research experience. Typical additional resources are required to address market analysis, accounting/finance, design for…
Attendees will gain an understanding of types and processes for forming a legal company entity, basic roles of officers, directors, and founder stock ownership; team equity compensation and contract…
Attendees will learn about locating and speaking with non-grant funding sources for investments in early-stage companies, including friends/family connections, angel individuals and networks,…