Search for tag: "law"
Constitution Day 2023 videoU.S. Constitution Day 2023: Treason, Sedition and Subversive Activities. During the 2023 VCU Libraries’ annual Constitution Day commemoration, Political Science Associate Professor John…
From Nia Rodgers
65 plays
Bench to Community Seminar - Series 2, Session 1: Startups and establishing a new companyAttendees will gain an understanding of types and processes for forming a legal company entity, basic roles of officers, directors, and founder stock ownership; team equity compensation and contract…
From Laura Osborne
7 plays
Governance and Compensation CommitteeZoom Recording ID: 94868656604 UUID: JP+8uqbtSEWR94IgHm8JNA== Meeting Time: 2021-05-07T12:35:06Z
From Taron James
6 plays
Abuse in Later Life Program Summary, 2021Courtney O'Hara provides an overview of the Abuse in Later Life program at the Virginia Center on Aging.
From Kimberly Ivey
24 plays
Latinos in the USATalk on the Growing presence of Latinos in the US and the politics of the past decade
From Daniel Morales
46 plays
WRLD210_Lecture #12_activismIntro_Arendt_GandhiThis lecture is on the Arendt reading "Civil Disobedience" and the readings by Gandhi. This is part of the lecture--the rest of the lecture is a web-based podcast that is linked and…
From Aspen Brinton
70 plays
WRLD210_Lecture #7_genocideInternational Social Justice lecture on genocide To accompany the film "Vita Activa" about Hannah Arendt and the Eichmann trial and Jean Hatzfield's "Machete Season."
From Aspen Brinton
94 plays
WRLD210_Lecture #6_tortureLecture for WRLD 210 International Social Justice on torture and Jean Amery's At the Minds Limits
From Aspen Brinton
71 plays