Search for tag: "molecule"

240404 - 9AM - M1 - ENDO - Biochemistry - Sato - Bigbee

Draft Entry for Cattura Upload

From  somvideo School of Medicine 172 plays 0  

Intro to GastroPlus and ADMET Predictor for PCEU 624

Intro to GastroPlus and ADMET Predictor for PCEU 624

From  Phillip Gerk 10 plays 0  

CHEM 110 3/18/24

Fluorescence, chemiluminescence, and phosphoresce (things that glow!)

From  Katharine Tibbetts 0 plays 0  

CHEM 110 2/21/24

Plastic waste (mis)management

From  Katharine Tibbetts 0 plays 0  

CHEM 110 2/19/24

Plastics (note that the recording didn't start until part way through class. sorry!

From  Katharine Tibbetts 1 plays 0  

CHEM 110 2/14/24

Fermentation and elephant toothpaste

From  Katharine Tibbetts 2 plays 0  

CHEM 110 2/7/24

Ozone and CFCs, lead in gasoline

From  Katharine Tibbetts 2 plays 0  

CHEM 110 2/2/24

Combustion chemistry; how different fuels compare in CO2 emissions

From  Katharine Tibbetts 1 plays 0  

CHEM 110 1/31/24

Covalent bonding, polar/non-polar molecules, why CO2 is a greenhouse gas

From  Katharine Tibbetts 0 plays 0  

231103- M2 - 8am - NRS - Synaptic Transmission + Neurotransmitters - Hamilton

Draft Entry for Cattura Upload

From  somvideo School of Medicine 147 plays 0  

231023 - 8AM - M1 - I & I - B Cell pt 1 - Martin

Draft Entry for Cattura Upload

From  somvideo School of Medicine 103 plays 0  

231018 - 10AM - M1 - I&I - Complement part 2 - Landry

Draft Entry for Cattura Upload

From  somvideo School of Medicine 119 plays 0  

230929 - 8AM - M1 - PHARM - Intro to Pharmacology - Negus

Draft Entry for Cattura Upload

From  somvideo School of Medicine 107 plays 0  

230811 - M1 - 10am - MBHD - Lipid storage diseases - Cowart

Draft Entry for Cattura Upload

From  somvideo School of Medicine 146 plays 0  

230810 - 9AM - M1 - MBHD - Reactive Oxygen Species - Shelton

Draft Entry for Cattura Upload

From  somvideo School of Medicine 73 plays 0  

230808 - 8AM - M1 - MBHD - Electron Transport/ Oxidative Phosphorylation

Draft Entry for Cattura Upload

From  somvideo School of Medicine 62 plays 0