Search for tag: "parent"

Carol - Did report, talked to a manager

Dr. Evans' Administrative Assistant, Carol, relates why she decided to speak up about Dr. Evans' behavior, and what happened when she told the Dean about it.

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From  Kimberly McQuillen 25 plays 0  

Board of Visitors Governance Compensation

Board of Visitors Governance Compensation from December 8th, 2023

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From  Taron James 5 plays 0  

Canvas Catalog Admin Q:A

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From  VCU CANVASLEARN 16 plays 0  

Ethical Principles- Dr. Al-Mateen 4/6/22

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From  Stacy-Ann Wayne 6 plays 0  

Homework, Organization, and Planning Skills (HOPS) Intervention for ADHD

Cathrin Danielle Green, M.S. discusses the HOPS intervention and present research findings from the randomized controlled trial including more than 250 middle school students assigned to receive two…

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From  VCU RESEARCHCC 179 plays 0  

Cross-Listing in Canvas (Merging)

This video describes how to cross-list in Canvas.

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From  Ritamarie Hensley 20 plays 0  

HGEN619 | 2019-12-03

The effects of genes and environment on complex human traits with emphasis on: Genetic architecture and evolution; non-genetic inheritance; mate selection; developmental change; sex-effects;…

From  Joey Noble 1 plays 0