Search for tag: "recommendation"

231030 - 1PM - M1 - POPH - Clinical Guidelines - Levels of Evidence

Draft Entry for Cattura Upload

From  somvideo School of Medicine 150 plays 0  

BOV Scholarship Interviews

Zoom Recording ID: 94868656604 UUID: rXeCSx2AQLawVgEH/HqE0A== Meeting Time: 2022-03-14 07:17:14pm

From  Taron James 3 plays 0  

Creating the Closing the Loop Action Plan: A Closer Look

Zoom Recording ID: 98009417925 UUID: 9L5ihVJ1Ra6ooHBRUKL/Dw== Meeting Time: 2020-05-13T20:17:46Z

From  Scott Oates 50 plays 0