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A Talk with Dr. Robert Winn, Director of VCU Massey Cancer CenterThe HR Career Community along with the Health Sciences and Research Career Communities presented via Zoom a talk with Robert Winn, M.D., Director of VCU Massey Cancer Center on June 7, 2023.
From Rodney Steppe
31 plays
Viewing All Courses and Adding/Removing Courses From Your DashboardThis video explains how to find all of your courses in Canvas, whether past or present and how to customize the courses that appear on your dashboard by "favoriting" them.
From Jonathan Reed
67 plays
CCTR 703 | 2019-02-04Builds upon the quantitative statistical methods from CCTR 702. Students will learn the mathematical components that underlie statistical analysis with a focus on maximum-likelihood methods and…
From Joey Noble
15 plays