Licensing intellectual property to another company for manufacturing and/or distribution is an excellent alternative to building them yourself. Attendees will learn about different licensing models…
Attendees will learn about methods for organizing and managing the multiple components of the business development process. This differs from directing research-oriented projects. There are new…
Johnson and Johnson Innovation (JLabs) will present an overview of the newest life science and healthcare incubator in Washington, DC. The state-of-the-art site is open to entrepreneurs and…
Translating an innovation from the research stage into early-stage development for commercialization can be facilitated by using targeted consultant agencies for their area-specific expertise.…
Building a successful company requires expanding expertise beyond scientific research experience. Typical additional resources are required to address market analysis, accounting/finance, design for…
Session 6 will provide an overview of VCU Libraries resources, services, and faculty available to support ideation and testing of medical innovations.Educational Objectives: Attendees will be able to…
This session will provide an overview of regulatory approval and commercialization issues impacting companies developing medical devices, drugs, and biologic products. Attendees will be able to…
If you have an idea, concept, or even prototype, you may be asking the question “what now”? During this session, Nicole Monk from VCU Ventures will discuss the importance of business…
This 3rd course in our series, attendees will understand the importance of securing intellectual property (IP) rights to support the translation of medical devices to the market. Session topics will…
Session 2 in this seminar series provides an overview of engineering design and development for medical devices. Viewers will gain insight into the key steps from need definition to product…