Search for tag: "medical device development"

Bench to Community Seminar - Series 2, Seminar 9: Licensing Your Innovation, IP, Technology or Product

Licensing intellectual property to another…

+38 More
From  Laura Osborne 11 plays 0  

Bench to Community Seminar - Series 2, Seminar 7: Developing a Pitch Deck

Raising outside investments and funds for your…

+46 More
From  Laura Osborne 3 plays 0  

Bench to Community Session - Series 2, Session 6: Project Management Tools & Methods for Development

Attendees will learn about methods for organizing…

+38 More
From  Laura Osborne 14 plays 0  

Bench to Community Seminar - Series 2, Special Session with Johnson & Johnson's JLabs@DC

Johnson and Johnson Innovation (JLabs) will…

+44 More
From  Laura Osborne 18 plays 0  

Bench to Community Seminar - Series 2, Session 5: Using Consulting Agencies During Development

Translating an innovation from the research stage…

+32 More
From  Laura Osborne 4 plays 0  

Bench to Community Seminar - Series 1, Session 6: Utilizing VCU Library Resources for Medical Innovation

Session 6 will provide an overview of VCU…

From  Laura Osborne 5 plays 0  

Bench to Community Seminar - Series 1, Session 5: FDA Regulatory Pathways and Requirements

This session will provide an overview of…

From  Laura Osborne 59 plays 0  

Bench to Community Seminar - Series 1, Session 2: Medical Device Development Processes

Session 2 in this seminar series provides an…

From  Laura Osborne 30 plays 0  

Bench to Community Seminar - Series 1 , Session 1: Introduction - Translating New Ideas Into Clinical Practice

This course introduces the multiple factors…

+37 More
From  Laura Osborne 33 plays 0