Search for tag: "engineering"

Session 11 | ProtoSpace: Experiential Learning for Everyone

Zoom Recording ID: 85491427816 UUID: aLnzyIasQKqFTnavJ7JOYg== Meeting Time: 2024-07-31 05:51:02pmGMT

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From  VCU WORKSHOPHELP 0 plays 0  

Session 6 | Becoming a Gaming Librarian: Workshops, Programs and Problems

Zoom Recording ID: 89103800826 UUID: jHaI7y1rTXaPtIWo4t2UIA== Meeting Time: 2024-07-30 06:54:04pmGMT

+19 More
From  Oscar Keyes 0 plays 0  

Preprint Repositories for the Engineering Researcher

The American Society for Engineering Education’s Engineering Libraries Division's (ELD) Professional Development Committee and the Preprints Subcommittee of ELD's Scholarly…

+20 More
From  Julie Arendt 0 plays 0  

Infection Prevention and Control Strategies for Pharmacy

Course Overview The Virginia Infection Prevention Training Center’s course in Infection Prevention and Control Strategies for Pharmacy: Requirements for Safe Sterile Compounding discusses…

From  Jo Dee Armstrong-Novak 36 plays 0  

Does the library have my textbook?

Julie Arendt explains why VCU Libraries generally doesn't have course textbooks and describes exceptions, such as course reserves, library materials as course materials, and open educational…

+16 More
From  Julie Arendt 7 plays 0  

VCU BOV Strategic Task Force meeting

VCU BOV Strategic Task Force meeting February 17th

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From  Taron James 4 plays 0  

Board of Visitors Retreat Part 1 Oct. 21st, 2022

Board of Visitors Retreat Part 1 Oct. 21st, 2022

+19 More
From  Taron James 8 plays 0  

Joint Meet BOV & BOD

Zoom Recording ID: 94868656604 UUID: INm7JsD4S86GXb5zVBLv0w== Meeting Time: 2022-03-22 08:50:01pm

+19 More
From  Taron James 11 plays 0  

Town Hall with Provost Sotiropoulos (March 4, 2022)

From  Jennifer Elswick 17 plays 0  

Bench to Community Seminar - Series 2, Session 5: Using Consulting Agencies During Development

Translating an innovation from the research stage into early-stage development for commercialization can be facilitated by using targeted consultant agencies for their area-specific expertise.…

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From  Laura Osborne 4 plays 0  

Bench to Community Seminar - Series 2, Session 4: Building Your Startup Team

Building a successful company requires expanding expertise beyond scientific research experience. Typical additional resources are required to address market analysis, accounting/finance, design for…

From  Laura Osborne 4 plays 0  

Bench to Community Seminar - Series 2, Session 1: Startups and establishing a new company

Attendees will gain an understanding of types and processes for forming a legal company entity, basic roles of officers, directors, and founder stock ownership; team equity compensation and contract…

From  Laura Osborne 7 plays 0  

Bench to Community Seminar - Series 2, Session 3: Investors & Fundraising: Early-stage Non-grant Funding and Processes

Attendees will learn about locating and speaking with non-grant funding sources for investments in early-stage companies, including friends/family connections, angel individuals and networks,…

From  Laura Osborne 5 plays 0  

Bench to Community Seminar - Series 2, Session 2: Small Business Innovation Research Funding for Startups

Robert Brooke will provide an overview of the federally funded Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) funding program. More than $4B is awarded annually to small businesses in the US via…

From  Laura Osborne 8 plays 0  

Bench to Community Seminar - Series 1, Session 6: Utilizing VCU Library Resources for Medical Innovation

Session 6 will provide an overview of VCU Libraries resources, services, and faculty available to support ideation and testing of medical innovations.Educational Objectives: Attendees will be able to…

From  Laura Osborne 5 plays 0  

VCU Provost Candidate Fotis Sotiropoulos

VCU Provost Candidate Fotis Sotiropoulos

+10 More
From  Taron James 332 plays 0