Course Overview The Virginia Infection Prevention Training Center’s course on Infection Prevention & Control in Ambulatory Surgical Centers focuses on infection prevention best practices…
The Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research and Health Sciences Library present a lunch research seminar, “Compliance with ClinicalTrials.gov Requirements” on Wednesday,…
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Course OverviewThe Virginia
Infection Prevention Training Center’s Deploying the CHIP Program in Your
Institution module covers the ins and outs of implementation of a CHIP program.
Zoom Recording ID: 2324828315
UUID: QQriWQgrSM2jxYEL0wx2jg==
Meeting Time: 2022-10-25 03:54:44pm
This is a video introducing Lindsay Tierney and how she works with VCU School of Nursing Students to better increase their chances for optimal academic success.
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This video explains how to add documents, power points etc. to your Canvas course.