Search for tag: "scp"

Benefits of Free Textbooks: Thank You from Students to Professors

Access to free textbooks has a huge impact on students: not only do they allow students to save money, they also promote students' overall success in their courses. In this video, VCU Students…

From  Abbey Childs 10 plays 0  

Benefits of Free Textbooks: Savings

Access to free textbooks has a huge impact on students: not only do they allow students to save money, they also promote students' overall success in their courses. In this video, VCU Students…

From  Abbey Childs 6 plays 0  

Benefits of Free Textbooks: Stress and Cost Reduction

Access to free textbooks has a huge impact on students: not only do they allow students to save money, they also promote students' overall success in their courses. In this video, VCU Students…

From  Abbey Childs 53 plays 0  

Benefits of Free Textbooks: Connecting Students and Faculty

Access to free textbooks has a huge impact on students: not only do they allow students to save money, they also promote students' overall success in their courses. In this video, VCU Students…

From  Abbey Childs 12 plays 0  

Benefits of Free Textbooks: Comparisons and Reactions

Access to free textbooks has a huge impact on students: not only do they allow students to save money, they also promote students' overall success in their courses. In this video, VCU Students…

From  Abbey Childs 10 plays 0  

Benefits of Free Textbooks: VCU Student Stories [Full video]

Access to free textbooks has a huge impact on students: not only do they allow students to save money, they also promote students' overall success in their courses. In this video, VCU Students…

From  Abbey Childs 48 plays 0  

Secondary data intro SLWK706 Pt 4

This is the 4th in a series of videos by the VCU Libraries for Social Work 706 students to learn about finding and using existing survey data for secondary analysis. This video goes into detail about…

From  Nina Exner 33 plays 0  

Secondary data intro series SLWK706 Pt 3

This is the third video in a series from VCU Libraries for Social Work 706 students working with existing data for secondary analysis. This video connects the concept of a hypothesis with the concept…

From  Nina Exner 23 plays 0  

Secondary data intro series SLWK706 Pt 2

This video is part of a series for Social Work 706 by the VCU Libraries data services department, about secondary data. This is the second video. In this video, we discuss how the traditional…

From  Nina Exner 40 plays 0  

Secondary data intro series SLWK706 Pt 1

This is the first in a series of videos (4 as on 2023-2024 school year) for Social Work 706, discussing issues in finding existing datasets for secondary analysis in research questions. This first…

From  Nina Exner 76 plays 0  

Why Middlebrooks chooses open: cost, learning, diversity

Laura Middlebrooks, Teaching Assistant Professor, VCU School of World Studies, shares how her experience creating an OER for SPAN202 has eliminated cost barriers for students and created an…

From  Jessica Kirschner 6 plays 0  

Secondary data, variables, and hypothesis: A review

This video is focused on social work, but can fit any major. It is intended as a refresher on hypotheses and variables for people who have had statistics and are trying to adapt those concepts to…

From  Nina Exner 120 plays

Searching for Courses by Textbook Cost

Did you know that you can search for classes based on textbook cost? Students at VCU can search for classes that have low cost ($40 or under) or no cost textbooks. This video walks you through the…

From  Jessica Kirschner 21 plays 0  

Central VA SOCRA Chapter Meeting - Ethics of Data Management and Sharing

This Central VA SOCRA Chapter meeting was recorded September 20, 2022. Dr. Sandy Brooks discussed how principles of human subjects ethics can be considered in the context of data sharing. This video…

From  Nathan Heinicke 46 plays


NIH DMS Policy video 2.3. This is the last video of module 2 of the VCU Libraries research data department's series on the 2023 NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy. This module focuses on the…

From  Nina Exner 7 plays 0  


NIH DMS Policy video 2.2.6. This is subtopic 2.6 of module 2 of the VCU Libraries research data department's series on the 2023 NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy. This module focuses on the…

From  Nina Exner 7 plays 0