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Viewing All Courses and Adding/Removing Courses From Your DashboardThis video explains how to find all of your courses in Canvas, whether past or present and how to customize the courses that appear on your dashboard by "favoriting" them.
From Jonathan Reed
61 plays
Canvas Exports and Imports - 6/28/21Zoom Recording ID: 5686871911 UUID: zV/426baT8y/KTznv73hWA== Meeting Time: 2021-06-28T16:45:06Z
From Jamillah Martin
7 plays
January 2021 Fiscal Administrators Zoom MeetingZoom Recording ID: 92526273844 UUID: ScJRgRw8SJGkLgdFDe6XkA== Meeting Time: 2021-01-13T13:39:38Z
From Provost Fiscal Administration
2 plays