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Class 4 - Personal Branding IIZoom Recording ID: 8524143626 UUID: 2h2GL/3hRmWAIIwUQ2yypQ== Meeting Time: 2024-08-29 05:53:17pmGMT
From Jaqee Cooke
7 plays
ACTAL PROJECTions & Wrap-UpZoom Recording ID: 82371820715 UUID: x8AqzmJ6SP2XOVebaQa08g== Meeting Time: 2024-07-31 06:51:00pmGMT
From VCU The Workshop
1 plays
Network Log/HAR file how toHow to pull a network log for a Kaltura video or really anything that you need to pull a network log for.
From Christopher McDonald
15 plays
Benefits of Free Textbooks: Thank You from Students to ProfessorsAccess to free textbooks has a huge impact on students: not only do they allow students to save money, they also promote students' overall success in their courses. In this video, VCU Students…
From Abbey Childs
11 plays
Benefits of Free Textbooks: SavingsAccess to free textbooks has a huge impact on students: not only do they allow students to save money, they also promote students' overall success in their courses. In this video, VCU Students…
From Abbey Childs
6 plays
Benefits of Free Textbooks: Stress and Cost ReductionAccess to free textbooks has a huge impact on students: not only do they allow students to save money, they also promote students' overall success in their courses. In this video, VCU Students…
From Abbey Childs
106 plays
Benefits of Free Textbooks: Connecting Students and FacultyAccess to free textbooks has a huge impact on students: not only do they allow students to save money, they also promote students' overall success in their courses. In this video, VCU Students…
From Abbey Childs
13 plays
Benefits of Free Textbooks: Comparisons and ReactionsAccess to free textbooks has a huge impact on students: not only do they allow students to save money, they also promote students' overall success in their courses. In this video, VCU Students…
From Abbey Childs
10 plays
Benefits of Free Textbooks: VCU Student Stories [Full video]Access to free textbooks has a huge impact on students: not only do they allow students to save money, they also promote students' overall success in their courses. In this video, VCU Students…
From Abbey Childs
50 plays
Dissemination (Part 3 of 3 in the Research Communications series)Zoom Recording ID: 88004091715 UUID: N8AnwR1JSp2UAgLrmR9kOg== Meeting Time: 2023-09-28 03:57:51pmGMT
From VCU The Workshop
7 plays
Why Middlebrooks chooses open: cost, learning, diversityLaura Middlebrooks, Teaching Assistant Professor, VCU School of World Studies, shares how her experience creating an OER for SPAN202 has eliminated cost barriers for students and created an…
From Jessica Kirschner
6 plays
Deploying The CHIP Program In Your InstitutionCourse OverviewThe Virginia Infection Prevention Training Center’s Deploying the CHIP Program in Your Institution module covers the ins and outs of implementation of a CHIP program. This…
From Jo Dee Armstrong-Novak
40 plays