Search for tag: "units"
Hospital Antimicrobial Stewardship and Infection Prevention Programs: Harnessing the SynergyCourse Overview The Virginia Infection Prevention Training Center’s course on Hospital Antimicrobial Stewardship and Infection Prevention Programs: Harnessing the Synergy provides detailed…
From Carolyn Cugini
9 plays
Infection Prevention and Control Strategies for Burn PatientsCourse OverviewThe Virginia Infection Prevention Training Center’s course on Infection Prevention & Control Strategies for Burn Patients provides an overview of essential infection…
From Carolyn Cugini
13 plays
Dr. Evans - Subject of the InvestigationDr. Roberta Evans shares her experience as the subject of an investigation into her misconduct, and how she feels now that it's over.
From Kimberly McQuillen
24 plays
CHEM 110 1/19/24Building blocks of the atom; units and measurement; introduction to energy. And Madame Lavoisier
From Katharine Tibbetts
2 plays
Data Reporting and Infographics Best Practices (October 2022)Course Overview The Virginia Infection Prevention Training Center’s course on Data Reporting and Infographics Best Practices covers how to transform raw data into meaningful reports and…
From Jo Dee Armstrong-Novak
16 plays
Board of Visitors Audit, Integrity and Compliance Committee MeetingBoard of Visitors Audit, Integrity and Compliance Committee Meeting from March 23rd, 2023
From Taron James
4 plays
Introduction To The CHIP ProgramCourse OverviewThe Virginia Infection Prevention Training Center’s Introduction to a CHIP Program module serves as a roadmap to start a train-the-trainer program at your facility. This…
From Jo Dee Armstrong-Novak
129 plays
April 2022 Fiscal Administrators Meeting 04-12-22Zoom Recording ID: 8048271872 UUID: Z6UV/yQOQBuLEs6Z749mRw== Meeting Time: 2022-04-13 12:34:34pm
From Provost Fiscal Administration
18 plays
VCU Staff Senate — Overview and ElectionsLearn more about the Staff Senate and our elections process by watching this video, which was recorded on March 25, 2021 as part of the "Together We Transform” career development…
From Gregory Kimbrell
23 plays
Staff Senate - Nick Fetzer - 3.25.21Zoom Recording ID: 96477483809 UUID: tWvWT+EOSPGUTP3kvGASgw== Meeting Time: 2021-03-25T17:45:26Z
From Beverly Walker
1 plays
March 2021 Fiscal Administrators Zoom MeetingZoom Recording ID: 92526273844 UUID: 4zW0ZVLqRMqcAUtSG+a8GA== Meeting Time: 2021-03-10T13:44:25Z
From Provost Fiscal Administration
10 plays
CHEM 313/314 10/20/20Zoom Recording ID: 95812532685 UUID: WgcMjdjSQwWUxEu8bXPx5A== Meeting Time: 2020-10-20T21:29:19Z
From Katharine Tibbetts
9 plays
DilutionsMathDilutions for Microbiology - diluting an original culture for enumerating bacteria with spread plates.
From Joseph Battistelli
2,521 plays