Search for tag: "create"

photoshop_01_linking PDF file for rendering

tutorial for linking PDF files for rendering in photoshop

+19 More
From  Jillian Chapin 1 plays 0  

Create a Course with Faculty Tools

Steps to create a new course in Blackboard.

+3 More
From  Elaine Reeder 184 plays 0  

Creating a Collaborate Ultra Session

Steps to creating a session in Collaborate Ultra

+4 More
From  Elaine Reeder 38 plays 0  

05 Creating a VoiceThread Assignment in Blackboard

You can require students to create a VoiceThread as an assignment in Blackboard. The grade can be calculated into the final Grade in the Bb Grade Center

From  Elaine Reeder 118 plays 0  

Create Columns in the Grade Center

Creating a new column in the grade center

From  Elaine Reeder 8 plays 0  

Creating an Assignment

Steps to creating an assignment in a content folder

+1 More
From  Elaine Reeder 36 plays 0  

Create A Content Area

How to add a content area to the Course Menu

+2 More
From  Elaine Reeder 30 plays 0