Search for tag: "stereotypes"

Advancing Your Understanding of Your Own Implicit Bias

Advancing Your Understanding of Your Own Implicit Bias with Javona Braxton and Dr. Faith Wilkerson

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From  Deverick Strand 1 plays 0  

Deconstructing Implicit Bias PK-12

Becoming an Antiracist Educator Series: Deconstructing Implicit Bias with Dr. Dwayne Ray Cormier.

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From  Alyssa Genovese 18 plays 0  

Multimodal Project by Victoria Alexander

Victoria created this multimodal project in Professor Leslie Cohen-Gee' UNIV112 class during the Spring 2022 semester, based on the theme “From Blindness to Seeing.” It was selected…

From  Courtney Sviatko 6 plays 0  

Module 2: Individual Interventions

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From  Melanie Felix 52 plays 0  

4.2_ Identifying Susceptibility to Unwanted Bias

From  Melanie Felix 74 plays 0