Prevention of Central Line Catheter-Associated Bloodstream Infections (CLABSIs)
This course is part of our Intermediate Course in Infection Prevention and Control. See below for links to other modules!
Course Overview
The Virginia Infection Prevention Training Center’s intermediate module, Prevention of Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections (CLABSIs), provides healthcare professionals with essential strategies for preventing CLABSIs, optimizing central line care, and tracking infection prevention efforts. Topics include CLABSI reporting requirements, national infection trends, process of care metrics, and the role of midline catheters in infection prevention strategies.
Target Audience
Target audience for this course are healthcare professionals who are or will be directly involved in infection prevention activities in their facilities. These are infection prevention professionals who have participated in and gained considerable knowledge through specialized infection and control training and have minimal to moderate practice or fieldwork experience with infection prevention and control concepts.
Audience examples: Advanced Beginner to Proficient Infection Preventionist, Advanced Beginner to Proficient HAI/AR/IPC staff, Novice to Proficient Healthcare/Public Health Epidemiologist, Infectious Disease /Antimicrobial Stewardship Program Pharmacist.
Overall Learning Objectives
- Discuss CLABSI reporting requirements and national trends
- Discuss CLABSI infection prevention best practices as well as associated process of care metrics and how these should be collected and reported
- Discuss pros and cons of using midline catheters and the potential impact of this strategy on CLABSI rates
- Discuss practical opportunities to reduce central line use and how to promote and track the impact of these efforts
Continuing Education Credit
Continuing education (CE) credit is available for this course from 9/25/2023 to 9/25/2026. To claim credit, please watch this video in its entirety, then visit the VCU Continuing Medical Education activity page to obtain your credit.
How Did We Do?
We appreciate your feedback and suggestions on how we can improve this course for future participants. Please complete this anonymous evaluation for Prevention of CLABSIs.
VIPTC’s Intermediate Course in Infection Prevention and Control
The Intermediate Course in Infection Prevention & Control is designed for those leading infection prevention efforts for their organizations and will focus on implementation science, epidemiologic methods for surveillance and basic biostatistical data analysis, interpretation of the literature for evidence-based practice, and leadership training.
- Introduction to the Champions of Infection Prevention (CHIP) “Train-the-Trainer” Model
- Overview of Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs)
- Hand Hygiene Monitoring
- Outbreak Investigations
- Cleaning & Disinfection
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Isolation Precautions
- High-Level Disinfection & Sterilization
- Using Data to Drive Action
- Deploying a Champions of Healthcare Infection Prevention (CHIP) Program
- Environment of Care: Implementing and Monitoring an EOC Plan
- Hospital Antimicrobial Stewardship and Infection Prevention Programs: Harnessing the Synergy
- Prevention of Multidrug Resistant Organisms (MDROs)
- Prevention of Surgical Site Infections
- Prevention of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTIs)
- Prevention of Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections (CLABSIs)
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